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Jayden is a software developer and computer enthusiast who works with graphics programs such as Unity, Blender, Photoshop and Illustrator, where he creates video games, tools and asset packs.


He has worked with other creators on projects in VR and has helped develop software used for viewing 360° videos. Pushing his own limits and seeing how far computers can take entertainment.


Jayden is currently working at Desert Beagle as the Lead Programmer with a group of mates he meet at JMC Academy studying. To learn more about Jaydens work, you can browse the projects tab and read on below for his story.



Cheers! I'll be in touch :)


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My story here began as fast as it's coming to an end, but, that is only because I'm still charting my course and navigating through the software and computer industry. I can't say exactly what I am working on right now because chances are, this story will be outdated by the time you've got to it. If you do want to know, you can check out my Blogs and Projects page to see what I am up to. I should have something to say at least once a year; now and then I'll also post about my progress or something that I've learnt recently, it all depends on how busy life is.


Nonetheless, I hope you've enjoyed my brief story! Below I have some contact information and social media links, so shoot me an email or message if you ever want to have a chat and I'll try to be available!


~ Jayden, 2020


My life in computers started when I found the last level in the original Far Cry too hard, so I got a hold of the watered-down CryEngine and modified the level so it was a little easier... by building a bridge out of shipping containers.

Far Cry's map editor was the very beginning to my crazy adventure, I was eight years old when I began playing with the engine nonstop every day for 3 years. I remember so distinctly coming home from school just to jump on the family computer and navigate straight to the engine instead of the numerous video games I had. Then after a few hours getting the

missing textures 'glitch' that would end up eating the terrain and 'corrupting' the save file. Well not exactly, it turns out I just needed to re-generate the surface textures after saving a new map.

After a while I knew that the tools provided weren't enough and I wanted to take off the training wheels, so I started searching and eventually found the Unity Engine back in 2011. Good old Unity 3, back when shadows, shaders and render textures were Pro features. I found it really difficult using the interface and programming in Unity's UnityScript (Tweaked JavaScript). But eventually, I got a hang of it and was

able to work on my first project that I called Lights Descendent. I put a lot of effort into that project. From 2012 to 2014, I worked on what was pretty much my first attempt at ever making a game, and as could be expected, it didn't go far.

( Thanks BealziBob )

The project over time became hard to manage and I decided to move over to the C# language towards the end of the project, just as UnityScript was being depreciated.  A lot of my initial learning with the C# language started off with refactoring all of my old UnityScript, though, I did eventually realise how broken the project was and decided moved on.


Since then I've developed more projects than I can count; most of which have never been shown to anyone but family, some, not even that! But there have been a few exceptions - those of which can be seen on the Projects page where I show off all my beloved work.

FarCry Map Editor

( Recreation of the bridge I built out of shipping containers in 2007 )



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